
A response to the word of the day prompt


I sometimes get angry

and just blow my top.

I find it cathartic.

It happens a lot.


I know you don’t like it

You think I should stop

But you’re really annoying

And things just build up.


You’re really annoying

You must know that’s true?

Would I get quite so angry

if it wasn’t for you?


The same irritations

again and again.

It’s as if you don’t listen

or hear what I’m saying.


It bubbles on under

the anger I feel

till it all gets too much

and is unleashed on you.


It’s better I speak up

and vent it on you

than build up resentment

till one day we’re through.


An Understated Man

A response to the Word of the day prompt – Understated

He was modest, unassuming

an understated man.

He played down his importance

and underplayed his hand.

He was very softly spoken

and didn’t speak a lot

but when he spoke they’d listen.

His words would hit the spot.

The faint praise that they gave him

was less than he deserved.

If dragged into the limelight

he would plainly be unnerved.

A man of great potential

most of it unmet.

Hopefully his time will come

but it hasn’t yet.

Much too self efacing

modest to a ‘t’.

He much preferred the background

So we just let him be.


It’s broken, fragmented,

smashed into bits,

totally busted,

defective and chipped.


I’m not sure who broke it;

what damaged the thing?

It’s mangled, demolished,

disgusting. Just fling!


Too hard to restore it

and put the thing right.

It’s pointless and useless

A hideous sight!


A throw away thing

In a throw away world

No longer of use

They’re discarded and hurled.

via Broken


Juxtapose two opposites

Completely different things.

Contradictory qualities

And differences they bring.


Sometimes you must make a choice

And choose between the two.

But ‘either or’ solutions

Don’t always fit the bill.


You needn’t always make that choice

Although you sometimes will.

There are ‘both and’ solutions

Where both things can be true.

And embracing life’s diversity

Will be the thing to do.


via Juxtapose

A response to the Daily Prompt

Now You’re Famous

You longed to be known and famous.

It happened and now you’re not sure.

The paparazzi are calling

You’re not quite sure what it’s for.


You don’t want them knowing your business

You don’t want the fuss anymore.

The trappings of fame are perfidious

You wish you were once more obscure.


You can’t put the cork in the bottle

The good life is starting to pall.

The eyes of the world are upon you

You wish you could hide from it all.


via Famous


Good grief a doppelgänger

Another one like me?!!

Sounds a really scarey thought

But can happen apparently!


Is it just a look thing

So facially we’re twins

Or, shaped by our appearance,

Experience similar things?


Can different personalities

Hide behind one face

Or is there another, like of me

But in a different place?




via Doppelgänger

Diffident and quite reserved


Diffident and quite reserved

He was loath to join in

And would rather observe.


He’d keep his distance

Quitely watch

He didn’t care for others much.


Meal times he would eat alone.

And, as for company

Preffered his own.


Yet there’s little doubt

He didn’t miss much.

We didn’t know him

But he knew us.


He’d stand to one side

And just observe.

What lay behind

That quiet reserve?






via Observe

A response to the Daily Prompt


pexels-photo-848740.jpegAstonished, astounded

Surprised and quite shocked

My faith in humanity

Shaken and rocked!

You oughtn’t have done it

You really should not.

It’s really quite dreadful

And won’t be forgot!

Astonished, confounded

Confused and bemused

Who’d have expected

That you’d hold such views?!

It’s really surprising

I’m taking it hard

Just so astonished

You’ve caught me off guard.

via Astonish

A response to the Daily Prompt