A slice of German sausage

Which food, when you eat it, instantly transports you to childhood?

A slice of German sausage

The rind against my tongue

Or a bite of juicy melon

Mediterranean sun.

Tastes and smells that

Take me back

To where we lived when young.

The queue in a German butcher

Unfamiliar smells

A babble of foreign voices

A language we didn’t know.

They’d thinly slice a sausage

To give to us as kids

And to taste it now

Feel the rind on my tongue

Is to go back right away.

But melon takes me to Cyprus

Years we spent in the sun

The juicy blood run melons

We’d eat most every day.

Then I found them boring

Would have preferred a pud

But the taste of a melon

Takes me right back

To the years we spent in the sun.

2 thoughts on “A slice of German sausage

  1. My first response to today’s prompt was jelly and ice cream. Melon is another one though, that transports me back to our beach holiday days. Melon was always part of our picnic and the only time we ever had it… that I can remember!
    I like how you made your answer into a poem.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Your post beautifully captures the sensory journey that food can evoke, transporting you back to your childhood in different parts of the world. The vivid descriptions of German sausage and juicy melons serve as powerful conduits to the past, evoking both the tastes and the cultural environments you experienced.

    Thank you for sharing such an evocative and personal reflection. It’s a wonderful reminder of how food connects us to various chapters of our lives, each bite serving as a portal to our memories and experiences.

    Liked by 1 person

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