Nothing we know is sustainable

Are there things you try to practice daily to live a more sustainable lifestyle?

Nothing we know is sustainable

The only thing certain is change.

We can all do our bit for the planet

And don’t get me wrong we all should.

I do what I can on our veg patch

Waste less put stuff in right bins

But they’re still having wars

Firing missiles

And what can I do about them.?

So much has changed in my lifetime

Things we just never foresaw

Things that you now take for granted

Were just science fiction back then.

The changes come ever faster

With AI and nano and such

We can’t cling to life as we know it

But nothing‘s forever things change.

The forces of history are legion

No one can know how they‘ll change

Who knows what might be discovered

Or which current certainties fail?

So yes do your bit for the planet

And try to rest easy at night

Let’s hope we‘re winners not losers

And somehow it all will come right.

But we’ll have adapt to the future

Whether it brings bad or good.